Terms & Conditions

1. Definitions In these conditions, unless the context requires otherwise:


1.1 We are Tedsmore Hall Ltd T/A Tedsmore Apartments (“we”, “our”, “us”) of Tedsmore, West Felton, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 4HD.
1.2 ‘You’ shall mean the person who completes and submits the Booking Form and to whom we let the Property under the Contract; where more than one person is taking the holiday, ‘You’ also means the ‘party leader’.

1.3 ‘Balance’ means the total amount payable by You for the Rental Period (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the Security Deposit) less the amount of the Booking Deposit, if any, paid in accordance with clause 5 below;

1.4 ‘Booking Deposit’ means a deposit which may be payable by You on acceptance of the booking by us in accordance with clause 5 below if your booking is made more than 6 weeks (42 days) before the Rental Date;

1.5 ‘Security Deposit’ means the deposit to be paid by You and held by us as security against any damages and/or any requirement for additional cleaning, whether discovered during the Rental Period or after your departure, as further described in clause 6 below.

1.6 ‘Conditions’ means these terms and conditions;

1.7 ‘Contract’ has the meaning given in clause 2.

1.8 “Force Majeure Event “means any circumstance not within a party’s reasonable control including, without limitation: (a) acts of God, severe floods, droughts, earthquake or other natural disaster (b) epidemic or pandemic (c) terrorist attack, civil war, civil commotion or riots, war, threat of or preparation for war, armed conflict, imposition of sanctions, embargo, or breaking off of diplomatic relations (d) nuclear, chemical or biological contamination or sonic boom

1.9 ‘Property’ means the property let or to be let by us to You [to include the Property’s grounds and any outbuildings];

1.10  ‘Rental Date’ means the date on which the first night of the Rental Period begins;

1.11 ‘Rental Period’ means the number of days for which the Property is agreed to be let to You by us in accordance with the Booking Form.

1.12 ‘Written Confirmation of Rental’ has the meaning given in clause 3.4.

1.13 ‘Booking Fee’ means the administration charge payable by You to us on acceptance of the booking by us in accordance with clause 5 below;

2. Basis of Contract

2.1 The submission of the Booking by You constitutes an offer to take a letting of the Property from us in accordance with these Conditions.

2.2 Where You are also a Party Leader, You are responsible for compliance with these Conditions and the Contract by all members of the party. ‘You’ shall also mean any member of your party, unless stated otherwise.

2.3 At the time of booking You must be over the age of 18 and you must be in attendance at the Property for the duration of any period in which any member of the party is in occupation of Property.

2.4 Your booking of the Property shall only been deemed accepted by us upon Written Confirmation being sent via email

2.5 Save where refusal would be unlawful we have the right to refuse any Booking, without reason.

2.6 Should the we refuse your booking, any monies paid by You will be returned within 5 Business Days.

2.7 Any disputes or queries with respect to these Conditions, or any other matter will be dealt with by You as the party leader.

2.8 The Contract creates a license to occupy for the purposes of a holiday (and not for any business purpose) and nothing in the Contract or these Conditions shall create the relationship of landlord and tenant between You and Us.

2.9 We do not provide any promise with respect to the quality of services provided by third parties at the Property including, but not limited to, internet service, telephone reception and television reception.

2.10 The maximum number of occupants at the Property shall be the number stated on the Booking Form.

3. Booking and Payment

3.1 A Booking Deposit will be payable by You, on acceptance of the booking and if your booking is made more than 6 weeks prior to the Rental Date. The amount of the Booking Deposit shall be 25% of the total cost of the Rental Period. The Booking Deposit is non-refundable.

3.2 For bookings made less than 6 weeks before the Rental Date, the Balance shall be payable by You, on submission of the Booking Form.

3.3 We shall, where applicable, send you written confirmation by email of the Balance to be paid by You in full, 42 days prior to the Rental Date. Such payment must be made by You within 7 days from the date of the written confirmation.

3.4 Should the Balance not be paid by You pursuant to clause 3.3 above, we reserve the right to terminate the Contract by notice in writing and without further liability to You.

3.5 A Security Deposit will be payable by You 3 days prior to the Rental Date. The Security Deposit will be automatically held as a pre-authorisation on the credit or debit card used to make the Balance payment. The Security Deposit, minus any deductions, will be returned to You within 2 days of departure.

3.6 All payments shall be made by You in Pounds Sterling and we shall not be responsible for any currency conversion costs You may incur.

3.7 We review our pricing regularly and reserve the right to increase or discount prices as required to optimize bookings. If a promotion or offer is advertised after the date that you have confirmed your booking, then the price payable by You is as shown on your Booking Confirmation. You will not be able to take advantage of offers placed on similar dates, after your booking has been confirmed and the Booking Deposit has been received by us for your specific dates.

4. Cancellation policy

4.1 Once Written Confirmation of Rental has been provided, You are responsible for the Balance.

4.2 You may cancel your booking at any time; however, You will not be entitled to reimbursement of the monies paid as a deposit. The deposit should be deemed non-refundable. If your Arrival date is 42 days or less away, the balance will still be due to us.

4.3 Cancellation of your booking must be made by You in writing and sent to tedsales@assuredhotels.co.uk.

4.4 Once cancellation has been confirmed in writing, your booking of the property will be deemed cancelled.

4.5 Upon confirmation of the cancellation of your booking, we will seek to re-let the Property for the full Rental Period. Your full Booking Deposit will be kept by Us. In the event that you are less than 42 days from Arrival date, the balance payment will be due and you will be invoiced for this amount.

4.6 In the event that the Property becomes unavailable, through no fault of our own, and the Balance has been paid, we have the right to cancel your booking. We may (but are not obliged to) offer an alternative property of a similar standard in a similar location. We will not be liable for any costs associated with arranging alternative accommodation and such alternative may be subject to the payment of additional charges if the rental value is higher. If we cannot offer a suitable alternative, then we will arrange a refund to You.

4.7 We reserve the right to terminate the Contract, or refuse to hand over to you the Property, at any time where there are reasonable grounds to suspect that:

4.7.1 You or your party are likely to breach any of the Conditions in terms of the number of persons staying at the Property, or their age;

4.7.2 You have provided incorrect information with respect to your booking; and

4.7.3 You have behaved in a vexatious, abusive or unlawful manner towards us, any third-party supplying services to the Property or any neighbours of the Property.

4.7.4 The above actions as stated in clause 4.7 above shall constitute a breach of contract by You and we shall consider the booking as cancelled by You. In these circumstances, we shall not be liable to You in any respect and You shall not be entitled to a refund of any monies or alternative accommodation.


5. Duration and Term of Rental

5.1 The letting will commence on the Rental Date and continue for the duration of the Rental Period and shall terminate on the last day of the Rental Period in accordance with this clause 5.1 and 5.2 below and the Written Confirmation of Rental.

5.2 Check in and check out times for the properties advertised on the Website may vary, depending on the Rental period you have chosen.

6. Your Obligations with respect to the Property and its use

6.1 You confirm that the information you have provided to us is true, accurate, current and complete information in all respects. Should any information provided change, you should notify us immediately. We shall not be liable if any incorrect information provided by You results in us being entitled to terminate the Contract.

6.2 You agree to:

6.2.1 Not cause any damage to the Property, including all furniture and fixtures and fittings;

6.2.2 Keep the Property and all furniture, fixtures and fittings in the same state as repair as to which you found them at the commencement of the Rental Period.

6.2.3 Leave the Property in the same state of cleanliness as that in which You found it at the commencement of the Rental Period;

6.2.4 Keep all furniture as you found it, so as to not remove it from the place that it was originally placed or place it back to its original place prior to the end of the Rental Period. You will be liable for any damage caused by You in this respect;

6.2.5 Empty any bins and dispose of any rubbish in the outside bins provided at the Property and to follow the instructions provided

6.2.6 Report any damage at the Property not caused by You on your day of arrival;

6.2.7 Report as soon as possible any breakages or damage caused by You or your party during the Rental Period;

6.2.8 Not to undertake any repairs of any kind to the Property, furniture and fixtures and fittings yourself;

6.2.9 Not to use the Property for any illegal purpose or take any illegal substance thereon; and

6.2.10 Abide by the Conditions.

6.3 On departure, the property and its grounds will be fully inspected. If no damage is found, the full Security Deposit will be released back to Your credit or debit card.  Should any damage be identified, we will request our preferred suppliers to provide a cost to either repair, clean or renew the item damaged within 24 hours of identification. You will be provided with this itemised cost prior to the sum been deducted from the Security Deposit. Should the sum exceed the Security Deposit you will be liable to meet this cost no later than 48 hours upon receipt of the itemised cost. An itemised inventory of items in the property can be provided to you upon request.

7. Right of re-entry and right to evict

7.1 We are entitled to enter the property, without providing You with prior notice in the following circumstances:

7.1.1 In an emergency, to include where repairs are required to be carried out due to a report made by You or damage caused by You; or

7.1.2 Should you be in breach of any of these Conditions or we have reasonable grounds to believe that you are in breach of these Conditions and of the Contract; or

7.1.3 We have received reports from a third party that may lead to you being in breach of these Conditions or Contract.

7.2 We are allowed to enter the property to inspect it (including but not limited to where you have complained about the property). In this circumstance, reasonable notice will be given first.

7.3 Should re-entry be required on the basis that you are in breach of these Conditions, no notice of re-entry is required and you may also be required to leave the Property immediately at our request , in which case the Contract between You and us shall terminate immediately, with no compensation or liability being owed to You

7.4 Should access be required pursuant to this clause 10, You agree not to obstruct the re-entry of the Owner and/or the Owner’s Representative (to include workmen) to the Property.

8. Noise Policy

8.1 We ask all guests to show consideration to the environment and to the neighbours of the Property in all manners and at all times.

8.2 The noise policies vary depending on the use of the Property and Property being rented. We ask that you refer to the Key Facts in the first instance to identify whether a moderate or strict noise policy is in place. Such policy shall have the following time restrictions which you are required to comply with:

Strict Restrictions apply After 9pm and Before 9am
Moderate Restrictions After 9am and Before 9pm

8.3 The following restrictions apply to all properties and in respect of both strict and moderate noise policies as described in clause 11.2 above:

8.3.1 You or any member of the party, must not take radios, CD players or other sources of music outside of the Property;
8.3.2 You will not turn up the music within the Property to provide music outside;
8.3.3 You must limit any loud music playing inside the Property so it cannot be heard outside.
8.3.4 Show consideration for the neighbours of the Property in the early morning and late evening; and
8.3.5 Should you be having any deliveries or ordering taxis You must ensure that such third party companies have clear directions.

8.4 Should You be in breach of any of the conditions set out in this clause 8 and we have received a complaint by a third party, we will provide you with a written warning and an opportunity to remedy the breach in the first instance.

8.5 Should you fail to observe the conditions set out in this clause 8 and warning has been given as set out in clause 8.5 above, we shall have the right to ask you to leave the Property immediately thus terminating the Contract and in such a case we shall not be liable to You for any reimbursement of any monies paid, including the Security Deposit.

9. Smoking Policy

All of the properties offered are entirely smoke free. Should we be required to clean the Property due to non-compliance of this clause, we shall be entitled to use the Security Deposit to remedy such breach.

10. Complaints

10.1 Should You wish to make a complaint during the Rental Period, You should notify us during the stay and as soon as you become aware of the issue so that every attempt can be made, to resolve the issue as soon as possible. The complaint should be followed up in writing no later than 14 days from the end of the Rental Period

10.2 If the complaint is not resolved, nothing in this section affects your legal rights

11. Data & Privacy

11.1 In making a booking, we will ask for your personal information such as your name, address, email address, telephone number and payment details.

11.2 We guarantee that any information will remain confidential and is protected under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679.


12. Force Majeure Event

12.1 We shall not be in breach of these conditions nor liable for delay in performing, or failure to perform, any of its obligations set out in these conditions or otherwise, if such delay or failure results from events, circumstances or causes beyond its reasonable control.

12.2 Should a Force Majeure Event happen during the Rental Period, we will do all that is reasonably practicable to provide You with alternative accommodation. However, should alternative accommodation not be found or accepted by You, we shall not be liable to You for any loss incurred by You for events that are outside of our control.


13. Severance

13.1 If any provision or part provision of these Conditions is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part provision shall be deemed deleted. Any modification to or deletion of a provision or part provision under this clause shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of the Conditions.

13.2 If one party gives notice to the other of the possibility that any provision or part provision of these Conditions are invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the parties shall negotiate in good faith to amend such provision so that, as amended, it is legal valid and enforceable, and, to the greatest extent possible, achieves the intended commercial result of the original provision.

14. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Conditions and any disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter (including non-contractual disputes or claims) are governed by, and construed
in accordance with, the law of England and Wales and the parties irrevocably agree that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim.